You must provide the name and contact details for those attending to
We will contact you by email a week before the event to confirm the details, give you directions to the venue and provide any relevant information to facilitate and improve your experience. it is your responsability to check your emails.
Only places booked and fully paid for in advance will be allocated.
Places are allocated on payment only, first come first served basis. There will be no on the door sales.
Payments are non-refundable.
Cancellation policy: you may sell your place to someone else and inform us of the name change, with no fee or cost. If Lighthouse Tai Chi re-sell your cancelled place, we will refund you minus an £8 administration fee per person. If we cannot re-sell your place, there is no refund.
Disclaimer: You must be physically and mentally able to take responsibility for yourself and you participate at your own risk. Lighthouse Tai Chi® accept no liability for injury, damage, accident or consequential loss as a result of participating in the events.
Anyone with a heart condition must check with their doctor or specialist that physical activity is suitable for them. The sessions are not suitable for anyone with heart failure.
We do not keep medical information about you, so it is your responsibility to determine if the session is suitable for you and to follow instruction appropriately. The instructor will not know your medical information, even if you have told them in the past. They can only give advice about tai and qigong. Please do not ask for physiotherapy exercises or personalized routines. Individual training cannot be provided in group sessions. At all times you are responsible for yourself and your wellbeing.
Should you feel unwell, experience pain or become injured during the sessions, you must stop participating and let the instructor know immediately. If you make no disclosure to our instructor and later make accusations or allegations to other people or the public, you may be held responsible for defamation, libel or slander and there could be legal consequences. Please consider your actions carefully.
Parking Disclaimer: Vehicles parked at the venue or nearby are parked at the owner's own risk. Lighthouse Tai Chi do not accept any liability for damage to or theft of the vehicle or loss of any contents.
What to wear:
Shoes: thin soled shoes with a flexible sole are recommended; such as standard pumps or plimsolls. Shoes must be clean and comfortable. Boots, outdoor shoes and shoes with heels are not appropriate and may cause injury. Trainers and running shoes will affect your balance, foot sensitivity and create pull on the joints. We accept no liability for any injury caused by wearing inappropriate footwear.
Clothing: Clothes must be clean and comfortable, and allow you to move freely without tangling your limbs or body. Due to the nature of the movements and the instructors needing to see your posture clearly, skirts and dresses are not appropriate. Trousers, leggings or shorts with a t-shirt or sweatshirt are recommended. We accept no liability for any injury, discomfort, embarrassment or damage caused by inappropriate clothing. Clothing with offensive wording or imagery is not allowed.
Jewellery: Dangly necklaces, bracelets and earrings may catch in your clothes or interfere with your movement. We accept no liability for damage or loss to personal items.
Strong smells and perfumes: to provide a safe and pleasant environment at sessions, we ask that you are aware of your personal hygiene, perfumes and any sprays that you use. Strong fragrances can cause breathing difficulties and allergic reactions and are not suitable for classes or physical exercise.
Behaviour: you are responsible for your own behaviour. Disrupting the sessions or preventing others from learning or enjoying the sessions is not acceptable. You are expected to learn with people of all ages, backgrounds, genders, abilities, and cultures. It is not acceptable to make another person, or the instructors feel uncomfortable or unwelcome. Harassment bullying or persistent aggressive behaviour or unwanted attention will result in a ban from all Lighthouse sessions.
Bans are also enforced if a student is intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, commits an illegal act whilst attending, behaves in an abusive, violent or threatening manner towards the tutor, other staff or any other student at any time; disrupts the sessions or causes any injury to others or damage to the premises or equipment.
Most people attending our events, enjoy having the time out from the stresses and strains of daily life and personal challenges. Please try to leave your cares and worries at the door, so you can enjoy learning and relaxation. Sharing information about personal problems may not be appropriate. Asking for transportation or favours, soliciting help and advice, or making unwanted invitations may cause embarrassment, distress and upset, and you may be asked to leave the event.
The instructors can only give advice or assistance to students that relates directly to tai chi, qigong and the content of the classes. Please do not ask our instructors for help with transport, or for any personal favours or contact. Consider carefully about disclosing any distressing information about your personal life. We aim to be friendly and supportive, but we are not mental health specialists or therapists. The sessions need to feel safe and supportive for everyone, including us.
Giving Feedback about our instructors or instruction: please make any issues known to the instructor at the time or after the event where possible. We will always try to resolve problems fairly, promptly and discreetly. Should you feel unable to talk the instructor, please email us at and let us know in as much detail as possible, what the problem is and how you would like to resolve the situation.
Trademarks & Copyright: Lighthouse Tai Chi® is a UK Registered Trademark in class 41. Please see our Trademark & Copyright Policy for full details. All documentation, resources, images, and videos you view or are given, are copyright protected and must not be copied or shared without our permission. Downloading our videos or seeking to access videos behind our paywall is strictly forbidden and illegal. Hacking will be reported to the police.
When you are photographed or filmed by us for reporting or promotional purposes, we will ask your permission. See our Photography and Social Media Policy for full details. Please also read Our Data Protection Policy for more information.